Collage: Winter Wools

This collage made my wrists cry but makes my brain so happy:


1 coat ; 2 cardigan ; 3 jacket ; 4 mini skirt ; 5 dress (on sale!);
6 sweater ; 7 long skirt ; 8 cardigan ; 9 skimmer pant (on sale!)
click on the collage for a bigger and more detailed view

I tried to find a variety of affordable (especially once they go on sale) items that contained around 40% or more wool that would be great for winter. So I pretty much wanted to include every single coat and jacket from Zara, but made myself only pick one. I hope my restraint was worth it. I sadly own none of these items, but absolutely adore every single piece (especially that coat and mini skirt). Happy shopping!

– amy

Etsy favorites part 1: Jewelry

I’ve been on/off etsy for a number of years and there have always been a few stores that I love browsing through. This post will focus mainly on jewelry stores (because I have favorited so many of them) and I’ll have a separate post for miscellaneous (seriously, they’re random and all over the place) etsy stores. Trying to format all these pictures was the biggest pain in the ass… ended up spending an extra 30m fixing formatting with Photoshop.

Jewelry stores have always been great finds on etsy. I love how most jewelry (not vintage ones) sold on etsy are cheaper than jewelry retail stores; instead of paying for a brand name, you tend to be paying for just the craftsmanship and materials used. Here are just four of my favorites that I’ve consistently ogled at over the years (all photos taken from sellers’ stores and linked to original source). Click through for descriptions and a lot of photos:

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SF and Product Review: bliss body butter (grapefruit + aloe)

Like Tammy mentioned in her most recent post, we went to SF for brunch and shopping during the first weekend (okay, it was a Monday, but it was a holiday) at the same school together. In the words of Brad Colbert from Generation Kill, “Celebrate.”

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